Search for a Job

Search for a job that fits your current skills and competencies, or into which you want to grow and analyze the job using gap analysis.

To search for a job:

  1. Click Career Center > Career Development > Search Careers.
  2. On the Search Careers screen, use any of the search criteria to find jobs that interest you.
    • If you select a Skill Category or Competency Category, individual skills and competencies display.

    • To select an individual item, click the item and use the right arrow to move it to the right field.

    • To select all of the items, click any item and use the double right arrow to move all items to the right field.

  3. Click Search to display a list of jobs that match your search criteria.
  4. Click a job name to see the Position Profile, which includes a description of the role and its requirements, salary information, and the required training.
  5. To see how well suited you are for the job:
    • Click to see a Gap Analysis, comparing your current skills and competencies to the skills and competencies required to do the job. 

    • Click to see a Radar Graph Analysis of Gaps.

  6. Click Search Again to return to the Search Career screen.